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TB Medical

The Power of Dr Reviews

Dr reviews and Doctor reviews are two search queries that are heavily used and gaining ground consistently. As they grow, the health services with the best reviews will similarly dominate the information returned to each query. In every health practice, consumer reviews must not be regarded passively.

Testimonial Builder can give your health service the control it needs to dominate the leader-board of reviews. Most likely your practice isn’t aware of the growth of Dr reviews or Doctor reviews as a query. At best, a follow up email is sent from your CRM asking for a positive review or surveying for satisfaction. The response rate to these emailed queries is pretty low.

Clearly, if reviews are playing a growing role in your ability to grow your client base, it probably should not be left to afterthought emails. In fact, not only will a lack of reviews or a bad review look bad to potential clients, Google is using reviews as part of it’s ranking algorithm. Lack of reviews and poor reviews will decrease your practice’s ranking in search engine results. Good reviews, and lots of them, will increase your ranking.

The Testimonial Builder program provides you everything you need to simply and easily create video testimonials from your satisfied clients and post them to YouTube. Google owns YouTube, and uses voice recognition software to consider the videos in its algorithms. The method of the program gives you incredible value in three ways, videos go to YouTube and increase your ranking in searches, videos are shared to social networks by you and your client giving you exponential exposure in your market, and the video testimonial creates trust in its legitimacy with future clients.

You can now control your online reputation and your search rankings with our program. Available with our program:

Let's Get Started!

Available with our program:

  • iPhone App
  • Unlimited Uploads
  • YouTube Channel
  • Custom Domains
  • Custom Website
  • Analytics and Reporting

Download the free app today!

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